lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013






1. Learning outcomes
 / Evaluation criteria
1.     To learn cultural information
2.     To learn a new religious and artistic vocabulary
3.     To develop attention and association abilities
4.     To learn different parts of a cathedral
5.     To discover the art in a new city
1.     Art vocabulary/ technical terms
2.     Parts of a cathedral
3.     The influence of the religion in the buildings
4.     To apply the knowledge learnt to give information about the buildings and express opinions about the aspects watched
5.     Use and apply the new vocabulary

3. Language Content / Communication

1.     What's a cathedral? Parts and use: nouns: chapelle, dome, galleries, altar, nave, cross-shape, cross, quire, sanctuary, transepts… adjectives: big, important, enormous, huge,
2.     Religion: what type of religion exists in London? Bishops, dean, priests, anglican, parishes…
3.     History, dates.

Simple Past
Express opinions
Answering questions
Discourse type
1.     Narration
2.     Dictation
3.     Narration
Language skills
1.     Actively use the opportunity to communicate in English, even if only partially.
2.     Express your personal opinion.
3.     Reading and understanding
4.     Listening
5.     Speaking
6.     Questioning
7.     Answering
8.     Writing
4. Contextual (cultural) element
§  Interest in knowing the subject
§  Technical /Religious/ Architecture /Cultural/ vocabulary

5. Cognitive (thinking) processes
§  Memorise the technical terms
§  Understand vocabulary related to the topic, written and oral text about cathedral or church and their importance in the cultural life.
§   Apply the knowledge learnt in order to differentiate parts in a real cathedral or church
§   Know the different parts of a cathedral
§   Know the uses in a cathedral

6. (a) Task(s)
1. Warm Activity.
2.Task 1. Cathedral's location
3.Task 2. The religion in Britain
4.Task 3. The history's cathedral.
5.Task 4. About history's cathedral.
6.Task 5. Parts of the Saint Paul's Cathedral.
7.Task 6. "Visit" Saint Paul's Cathedral.
8.Task 7. Final Task. Work in groups: Plan your cultural visit to Saint Paul's Cathedra
6. (b) Activities
The teacher will do a Little pre-evaluation about their student's knowledge. He/she will answer to their students what's is a cathedral and what elements are important in these art, religion, architecture, etc. Then, the teacher will give and explain what is (although they have the knowledge)
The teacher will present the own cathedral: Saint Paul's cathedral in London and will locate in a map and also,  in Google Maps,-0.098434&spn=0.001143,0.00302
The student will read a document about the religion in Britain taking in account attention to new vocabulary and the different religions that appear in Britain.
The students will have to do a research in Internet about the topic and find the different cathedral's phases. This activity will be in groups (depend on the number of students) and then, bring the ideas together.
The teacher will give to his/her pupils a sheet with the last information to study and memorise to the final test. It will be worked in class.
The teacher will project a Power Point about parts of the Saint Paul's cathedral. The students will appreciate a theorical part with their picture and location inside the cathedral. Then, the students will have a sheet with this theory to study. Also, they have to work in a worksheet the location of this parts and its use.

(Worksheet 1_ Matching definitions; (in web-Wordsearch( Worksheet2_Fill the gaps (

The students have to visit virtually the Saint Paul's Cathedral: and the official page about this cathedral  to perceive  the importance about this building.
Inside the second page, they have to download a booklet in which the students will find more information about the cathedral.
8. Tasks7. Final Task. Plan your cultural visit to Saint Paul's Cathedral: Imagine that you are a cultural guide and you have to explain people what is Saint Paul's Cathedral. You have to tell people the history and the different parts. The activity consists in to do a writing taking in account: history, vocabulary and art. This activity will be worked in groups with 4 or 5 students in each group and it will be exposed in class in 15 minutes.

7. Methodology
Organization and class distribution / timing

-10 fifty-minute sessions
 - Session 1: Warm activity and Task 1
 - Session 2: Task 2
 - Session 3: Task 3
 - Session 4: Task 4
 - Sessions 5 & 6: Task 5
 - Sessions 6 & 7: Task 6
 - Sessions 7 & 8: Task 7
 - Session 9 (& Probably 10): Exposition ( and Evaluation students work)

Students will work individually, in pairs and in groups
Resources / Materials

- Board
- Computer; Internet; presentation and word-processor software
- Class projector
- Worksheets
Key Competences
- Linguistic Competence (in this situation, Communication in a L2)
- Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the
physical world
- Competence in processing information and use of ICT
- Competence in social skills and citizenship
- Learning to learn
- Autonomy and personal initiative.
·       Creative, active participation in all the activities.
·       Adequate choice and elaboration of texts.
·       Identify different parts in a cathedral
·       Differentiate religions
·       Name the architectonic style
·       The students participates and show interest in the different activities
Evaluation instruments:
·       Observation
·       Participation in class
·       Matching definitions
·       Crossword
·       Fill the gaps
·       Final task in groups
·       Use the ICT
El hilo conductor de toda la unidad, viene ilustrado por Power Point que a continuación inserto. Se utilizará durante toda la unidad

3 comentarios:

  1. Una obra de arte a mi modo de ver, que me ha orientado en la oscuridad... Me parece muy adecuado que se use para Bachillerato porque es compleja y con ella se pueden estudiar tipos de texto y diferentes estructuras verbales:

    Simple Past
    Express opinions
    Answering questions

    Como a mi me puedo lo visual es de mucho agradecer el ppt inserto en scribd.
    La presentación en columnas también me parece sugerente y atractiva. Esto no se hace en 4 dias...confiesa!!!

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