sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

CLIL DIDACTIC UNIT: Motion and Energy

CLIL Didactic Unit: Motion and Energy

Subject: Science
Language: English
Course: Sixth Grade
Level: Primary
Teacher:  Lilly Calderón de Flores

This is a CLIL unit for Sixth graders students that live in Guatemala, and speak Spanish as their mother tongue.
It combines learning Science concepts as well as learning English language outcomes. The students learn English as a Second language in the school since pre-school, that`s why their level of English is good.

In this Unit " Motion and Energy, the students will learn the three laws of motion: Inertia, Force, mass and acceleration and action/reaction and , plus the concepts of Motion, momentum, gravity, force, friction, reference object, direction, potential energy ,kinetic energy, position and time, though videos, flashcards, and exercises and interactive games.

They will also learn the following  vocabulary : car, bicycle, people, place, race, and, roller coaster.
Related to the language they will practice verbs, adjectives, prepositions and the present progressive and past tenses, though videos, images and mimics.

The discourse type of this unit is exposition and definition, shown in the final product which is to create a video in pairs, connecting it to their own reality, in their house, a park or in a mall to relate concepts with their own context and daily life situations.

The students will inform the audience about the topic, when speaking, showing images and actions to exemplify and demonstrate how the laws of motion work.

The objectives of the unit are:
·         To relate force to motion, and explain its effects
·         To describe the three laws of motion and give examples
·         To summarize the motion of an object in terms of position, direction and speed
·         To describe and exemplify the concepts of force and how motion can be measured, and predicted
To explain the effects of forces or a change in mass on every kind object
The methodology used in this Unit will be student centered, since they  will actively participate in class though  the strategy: Think-Pair-Share: First the students think about how to relate a concept with his or her reality , then the students  will discuss their concepts in pairs and  finally they will share them with  the whole group.
After practicing in class, watching models and doing exercises, they will create their own videos in pairs which is a higher order thinking skill: "Create something new, based on what they learned".

The competences that will be developed are: learning to learn, communication in foreign languages and digital competence, and the four skills of the language: Reading and writing, listening and speaking.

Session 1:
The students will See a Power point presentation about Forces and motion (15 minutes)
Watch and activate previous knowledge with an introductory video about Forces and Motion. Discuss related ideas (25 minutes)

Power point presentation:
Session 2
Through online flashcards, The students will  watch the word and its meaning and pronounce them with the teachers guidance then create their own vocabulary flashcards sucha s force, motion, energy, gravity, etc. They will write the following words,their definition and draw a picture to verify understanding.
 (1 period)

Vocabulary Flashcards

Session 3
The students will watch a video about the laws of motion with images and examples, and then they will research and find more information about it. They will create a concept map and they will write a summary with example of each law (2 periods)

The laws of motion video:

Session 4
Watch a video about gravity and write 2 examples (1 period)
Gravity Video

Session 5
The student will play an online game when they will push a car in different ways to be able to understand the relationship between force and movement. Then they will do an online quiz to answer some questions related to the game they played. (1 period)
Interactive game and quiz: Forces and movement
Session 6
Students will do exercises on their book and workbook
Scott Foresman Science 4 Unit of Motion and energy

(2 periods)

Session 7

Watch and do and experiment to create a vehicle, while watching the following video:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDFHLJx5bHI

(1 period)

Session 8

Students will create and publish their own video in pairs, explaining and demonstrating with examples and actions the concepts of force and motion, using realia to explain the concepts of motion, speed, position, direction, momentum, gravity,friction, reference object, potential energy ,kinetic energy and the three laws of motion: (2 periods)

Time: This unit will be developed during two weeks in 8 sessions (12 periods of 40 minutes each).
Here is a link where you can see the resources that have been adapted for the unit:


·         Create a video to explain and illustrate the effects of force on motion, including magnetism, gravity and friction
·         Summarize the motion of an object in terms of position, direction and speed and demonstrates it in the video
·         Explain how unbalanced forces affect the rate and direction of motion in objects
·         Explain ways to change the effect that friction has on the motion of objects including changing the texture of the surfaces, changing the amount of surface area involved, and adding lubrication
·         Differentiate potential and kinetic energy
·         Use a video to demonstrate the motion of an object.
·         Explain how a change of force or a change in mass affects the motion of an object


·         Concept map and summary
·         Rubric
·         Self-assessment
·         Peer  evaluation

2 comentarios:

  1. Me parece una unidad muy interesante, ya que es un tema que se puede complementar con la que yo he elegido "My body", aunque sean para niveles distintos. Creo que para diseñar una se pueden coger ideas de la otra, y viceversa.
