lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

(P.E.) UNIT 1: How to start a workout plan? The warm up

Subject: Physical Education                                                    
Teacher: Eva López Sepúlveda
Title of the Unit: How to start a workout plan? The warm up            
Course / Level: 2ºESO      

1. Learning outcomes
 / Evaluation criteria
-   To know the warm up routine and the importance of doing a good warm up.
-   To know the name of the joints and to practice different exercises for joint mobility
-   To know activation exercises and practice them with the correct intensity
-   To know the name of the main muscles and to practice stretching exercises
2. Subject Content
- Warm up routine: order and exercises
- Importance of a warm up before a physical activity
- Heart rate as a resource for the control of the activity intensity

3. Language Content / Communication

-       Vocabulary:
o   Joints name: ankle, knee, hip, wrist, shoulder, elbow, neck
o   Muscles: calf/calves, quadriceps, biceps, triceps, pectoral
o   Directions: forward, backwards, lateral
o   Action verbs: run, jog, walk, move
o   Hear rate
-       Action verbs: flex, rotate, extend, bend, run, walk, jog, lay, go,

-       Imperatives
-       Describe an exercise movement: joint mobility or stretching
-       Daily questions: What are you doing?.... I am moving my (joint name), I am running, What are you stretching?... I am stretching my (muscle names)
Discourse type
-       Descriptions of the warm up routine exercises
-       Analyze movements and identify the body structure implied on it.
-       Debate the importance of a well-done warm up
-       Identify dangerous exercises for joints.
-       Control the heart rate after intense activities
-       Solve practice exercises.
Language skills
Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking and Interaction
4. Contextual (cultural) element
Students must understand the importance of a good warm up routine to prevent injuries in the PE class or when they do any physical activity

5. Cognitive (thinking) processes
-       Knowledge: Students have to name the joints and use different action verbs to describe movements for the warm up
-       Comprehension:  They have to describe movements and warm up exercises
-       Application: They have to lead a warm up
-       Analysis: Students have to execute the movements they have read/listen. They should list the warm up exercises depending if they are joints movements, more intense activities or runs, or stretching exercises.
-       Evaluation: Students should evaluate a warm up (feelings, heart rate…) and evaluate their warm up knowledge doing a web task
-       Creation: students have to create their own warm up activity
6. (a) Task(s)
-       Students have to:
o    (Reading and Writing) Write down a full warm up (all three parts)
o    (Speaking) Lead a warm up, like a teacher, explaining their peers what they have to do.
o    (Interaction/Listenng/Speaking): As a "teacher-student" they should control their mates heart rate and check if they are ready for the main activity
6. (b) Activities
       Una mayor concreción de las actividades y los objetivos de las mismas los podemos en contrar en el documento compartido:

7. Methodology
Organization and class distribution / timing

-       This is an individual workout
-       Lessons:
o   Warm up theory: 1 lesson (50 minutes)
o   Warm up routine leaded by the teacher: 3 lessons
§  Joint mobility
§  Runs/active exercises
§  Stretching
o   Warm up control (Heart rate control): 1 lesson
o   Student's evaluation: 1 student per day during one or two terms.
Resources / Materials

-       Workbook (student´s manual teacher-made)
-       Internet resources (see activity links)
-       Gym
-       White board and chalks
-       PE equipment
Key Competences
Students work in the following Key Competences:
-       Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world: with the knowledge and understanding of the importance of a warm up and the body effects when you do it
-       Linguistic and communicative C. with the opportunity of leading a warm up
-       The learning to learn C. by means of peer correction and evaluation (HR control) during the warm up
-       Social and citizen C:  when they interact with the group playing games.
-       Autonomy and personal initiative C. creating their own warm up
-       Digital C.,doing a web quests and surfing the net for info
-       Cultural and artistic C. appreciating and understanding different cultures and viewpoints provided by the media.
8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)
-       Actitude: class participation, teamwork, habits... (20 %)
-       Practice (50 %) : Warm up routine evaluation
-       Conceps (30%): workbook, written activities and speaking activities
-       Evaluation instruments:
o   Assesment evaluation (Anexo)
o   Homework workbook activities
o   Final test

1 comentario:

  1. Está todo muy bien explicado, muchos links, uso de imágenes que la hacen más atractiva y les proporciona andamiaje.
