domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013


Título de la unidad: Matter.
Área: Science.
Curso: 6º Ed. Primaria.
Número de sesiones: 8/10.
Profesora: Macarena Pareja Pavón.
Con esta unidad se pretende que el alumando conozca qué es la materia y algunas de sus propiedades. Para ello se han utilizado bastantes recursos online, así como otros de elaboración propia, que resultan muy motivadores para el alumnado.
Os resumo el planteamiento didáctico, aunque aquí podéis encontrar la secuencia completa.

1. Learning outcomes/ Evaluation criteria

  • To know what the matter is, its properties and states.
  • To understand the difference between natural and artificial materials.
  • To identify the main physical and chemical changes.
  • To distinguish pure substances from mixtures and solutions
2. Structures
Passive voice: - It is measured in…
                        - It is fabricated by…
                        - It is made up of…
Describing processes (connectors): First/at the beginning, then/ after that, finally/ at the end.
Asking for information: - What colour/ size it is?
                                     - What is its natural state?
                                     - What type of substance is it ?
                                     - Can you hold it?
Expressing opinion: - I think …
                                - Under my point of view.
                                - In my opinion…

Comparative and Superlative

3. Methodology

Eight/Ten sessions of 50 minutes.
The class will be divided into three parts:
1st) Welcome (10 minutes) à we talk to each other about our day, something important to tell to the rest of the class, any scientific discovery…
 2nd) Oral activity (20min) , watching a video, listening to a song…
3th) Reading/ writing activity
4. Task

(To work in  small groups)
  • Each group has to look for and investigate easy experiments about types of changes in matter
  • They should get enough information to work out if they are physical or chemical changes. We will provide them a template* with some helpful questions.
  • In session 7 each group has to show how their experiments work and tell their conclusions to the rest of the class.
La plantilla*, así como el resto de las actividades, podéis encontrarlas en el siguiente enlace.

5. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)

  • To know what the matter is and to identify its properties and states.
  • To recognize the processes involved in the changes of states.
  • To classify some objects depending on how they are made up of.
  • To understand the main differences between the physical and the chemical changes.
  • To identify pure substances and mixtures.
  • To be able to communicate their own conclusions.
  •   A test which includes different types of activities.
  • Self-evaluation questionnaire.
  •  Daily work.
  • Observation work.

Para poner en marcha esta unidad, son necesarios todos los recursos ubicados en este symbaloo

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