viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

How to make a successful CV

Subject: FOL (Vocational Guidance) 
Title of the Unit: How to make a successful CV 
1st Course. Intermediate Level 

Learning outcomes 
To fill in a CV with all the important information 
To reach a good presentation of your resume 
To express in the best way all your experience and knowledge

Subject Content
The Curriculum Vitae
Parts ot the Curriculum Vitae: Personal information, Desired employment, Work experience, Education and training, Personal skills and competences.

Formal presentation of the CV


During the two first sessions, we'll see at classroom some advices about how to make a successful CV from the web and read their own europass certificate supplement in english from the web ingles/tgestion-administrativaen.pdf?documentId=0901e72b8091003b 

At home they will read it again carefully and prepare a draft of their own CV using the vocabulary seen.

At the third session, we'll go to the computer's room to fill in their own CV. As a model, they'll have the templates for administrative CVs example from this site: cv-template-354.htm 

At the fourth session, each one will show their CV and all the class-mates will give their opinion using constructive criticism and giving ideas to make it better. 

More info

Laura Ferri

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