Subject: Natural Sciences
Teacher: Isabel Cabrerizo Gómez
Title of the Unit: Internal Dynamics of the Earth
Course / Level: 2nd ESO

All the documents that I have used to prepare the unit (included the CLIL unit template)are in Google Drive:
To understand the phenomena caused by the internal energy of the Earth.
To understand the relationship between pressure and temperature and the resulting seismic activity.
To describe the parts of a volcano and the materials which are ejected during an eruption.
To describe the processes associated with earthquakes.
To value the importance of disaster prediction and prevention.
To recognize igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Origin of the internal heat of the Earth.
Volcanoes (structure, parts, types).
Observing and interpreting sequences of processes.
Disaster prediction and prevention.
Igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Observing photographs and describing the geological processes taking place.
Making experimental lava flows.
Showing interest in understanding the origin of certain catastrophes such as volcanic eruptions.
TASKS Se trata de realizar una serie de tareas para las que previamente hay que trabajar una serie de actividades, que les permitirán a los alumnos trabajar las distintas destrezas en la L2 y así poder enfrentarse a las tareas con más seguridad y más conocimientos.
TASK 1. Earthquakes happen all over the world, all the time. Find out what causes them and which parts of the world are at risk.
TASK 2.Imagine you live in a region where there is a volcano with frequent eruptions. First, find out how to protect yourself before, during, and after a volcano´s eruption. Then, design a leaflet with safety instructions to hand out to your community. Include advice and illustrations.
TASK 3. Probably you have heard about Vesuvius and Pompeii and the devastating eruption which took place in 79 AD. Can you look it into and prepare an attractive ppt to tell the story?
I have organized different activities to deal with all the abilities our pupils have to face up with.
They are divided into 2 groups of activities according to the main features in the unit: earthquakes and volcanoes.
About earthquakes( Task 1):
● Make some vocabulary activities. (related to task 1). (Reading and Writing).
● Watch a video about earthquakes or (related to task 1) (Listening)
● Make an Earth´s layer foldable. (Related to task 1) (Reading)
●Plate tectonics activity (Related to task 1) (Listening and Reading) (
● Make a paper model of an earthquake (Geoblox). (Related to task 1) (Reading)
● Prepare a simple ppt about earthquakes to show it to the classmates who will make questions in order to receive answers. (related to task 1) (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening).
About volcanoes(Task 2):
● Make some vocabulary activities. Worksheets.(related to task 2). (Reading and Writing)
● Watch a video about volcanoes: parts and types of eruptions. (related to task 2) (Listening)
●How do we protect ourselves against the effects of a volcano? ( Related to task 2)
(Reading and Speaking)
● Volcano Study guide (review about volcanoes) (related to task 2) (Writing)
●Make a volcano. (related to task 2). (Listening and Speaking)
● Worksheet: Volcanoes and earthquakes (related to tasks 1 and 2). (Reading, writing and speaking)
Task 3:
● Read the text "SOS Pompeii" on the worksheet handed out by the teacher.(Essential Natural Science Teacher´s resource pack) (Related to task 3). (Reading and Speaking)
● Watch a video about Pompeii and Vesuvius Mountain. (related to task 3). (Listening)
● Make a poster or a flap book related to volcanoes including different contents such as Pompeii and its story, types of volcanoes, parts of a volcano, etc.(related to task 2 and 3). (All the abilities).
● There is a quiz created using this app, to review some aspects of the whole unit.
7 hours for the 3 tasks;
Task 1: 2 hours and a half. Individual and groups of 4 for preparation of the ppt.
Task 2: 2 hours and a half. Individual and in pairs.
Task 3: 2 hours . Individual and groups of three for preparation of the poster.
DIB, worksheets, reading sheets, web pages, layouts, mind maps, computers or lap tops, Internet.
Essential Natural Science Teacher´s resource pack (page 90)
Essential Natural Sciences 2 (page 107)
Natural Sciences for ESO 1&2 Oxford (full- length animation about Vesuvius mountain´s eruption)
CLIL unit done by Cabrerizo Gómez, Isabel
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