Teaching Unit Level: 4º ESO
Subject: EPV
Learning outcomes for content
- To be able to define texture.
- To associate and to differentiate visual and plastic qualities of the environment, attending on the analytical perception of figure / backgroud and textures.
- To know and to use the diversity of textures that can be made with different techniques and materials, selecting the most appropriate for each context.
- To create blog articles
- To analyze visual and artistic creations with open and receptive attitude, focusing on the texture as a configurative and expresive element, to experiment after with it on their own creations.
Subject content:
- Definition of texture. Texture types: natural/artificial, organic/geometric, visual and tactile.
- Factors that influence the perception of the texture.
- Procedures to create textures: Scraping, embossing, frottage, stencil, etc.
- Textures in Design and Art. Use, features, expressive content.
Learning outcomes for communication
- Texture, organic, scraping, stamped, frottage, stencil, contour/outline, surface, shape, wrinkled, smooth, rolling, dull, matt, opaque, brilliant, shiny, regular, cottony, downy, fuzzy, feathery, fluffy, furry, hairy, puffy, silky, soft, woollen and velvety, bony, hard, wooden, metallic, glassy, rigid, smooth, steely, stiff, tough, unyielding, bloated, flabby, flexible, rubbery, resilient, spongy, squashy, squishy, yielding, abrasive, bumpy, coarse, grainy, grooved, gritty, jagged, lumpy, pitted, pockmarked, ragged, rough, rugged, scratchy, stubbly, uneven, wavy.
- Passive voice.
- Comparative.
- Qualities. Adjectives.
- Description of similarities and differences.
Learning outcomes for cognition
Cognitive skills- To observe, to analyze, to synthesize, to compare, to feel, to create.
Learning strategies
- Observation, search, choice, analysis and interpretation of different kind of textures (placed in the environment, in Art, on advertisements, etc. ) that should be meaningful to the students.
- Learning by doing.
- Art, Advertising, Natural environment.
- To create an artistic new image by changing textures of a famous picture.
Warm up activities- "The visual elements of art texture", Rosa Fernández
- Some questions about:
- Why do you forget textures when you make a drawing?
- What does this texture make you feel?
- Had you seen before this picture?
- What is this?
Main activities / Want to know / Reinforcement / Extension
- Definition of texture: Choose and cross out the wrong one.
- Flashcards:
- - Quiz: "Sensory vocabulary"
- Send a Voki doc to your teacher, pronouncing as good as you can the quiz vocabulary.
- Comprehension and analisis. Complete the popplet. http://popplet.com/app/#/1896110
- Collection of samples (One on your notebook, and a virtual one on Symbaloo or Pinterest). At least 10 visual and 10 tactile textures.
- Manipulation of an image (picture/photo) ussing GIMP, adding different visual textures.
- Analysis of an advertising image and a painting or an sculpture. Create a new texture using any of the techniques previously studied.
- 60 minutes each session
- 3 sessions
- 5 students per group
All REA can be found here: http://www.symbaloo.com/mix/textures4eso
Teaching Unit Template:
Inés Casado Barrio
Asesora. CPR Coria
Tfnos: 927 506 099 (51099) // 927 501 717 (51717)
La Unidad Didáctica puede verse en este link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9CPFaXb-vpIbGRtWk0wUjZTbnc/edit
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