sábado, 31 de mayo de 2014

Mixing colours


La presente unidad didáctica, titulada Mixing colours, se ha llevado a cabo bajo los principios de la metodología AICLE y está orientada al primer curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, asignatura Arts and Crafts. Se ha estructurado a lo largo de seis sesiones, cada una de ellas de cincuenta y cinco minutos.
Su finalidad principal es iniciar al alumnado en el estudio y manejo consciente del color, a través del conocimiento de su teoría básica y posterior puesta en práctica. Así, la tarea que se propone es la elaboración de un círculo cromático, con el consiguiente desarrollo de colores primarios, secundarios, terciarios, oposición de complementarios y relación de afines.

Los objetivos de aprendizaje que se pretenden conseguir son los siguientes:
- To learn vocabulary related to colour
- To differentiate between coloured lights and colour pigments
- To know the primary, the secondary and the complementary colours
- To know the tertiary colours
- To explore colour tones and colour families
- To understand the importance of colour in our world and in art
- To engaged students to paint and drawing

Respecto a las distintas actividades, que en su mayoría se realizarían en parejas, se ha buscado que resulten motivadoras para el alumnado y que siguieran una secuenciación progresiva de dificultad. De igual modo, se ha pretendido que las actividades lingüísticas sean completas y variadas: canciones, textos, ejercicios interactivos, conversación,…
Como premisa fundamental, el desarrollo de un ambiente de respeto y confianza en el aula, donde el error se considera parte del proceso de aprendizaje y es bienvenido.

Por último, señalar que la última sesión se dedica a la puesta en común de la tarea realizada. Cada pareja de alumnos deberá exponer y comentar (obviamente en inglés) su círculo cromático, a modo de resumen de todo lo aprendido en la unidad. De esta forma, a la vez que se practica la lengua inglesa, se comparte el trabajo realizado, se aprecia el del resto de compañeras y compañeros, y se crea un sentimiento de responsabilidad hacia el trabajo realizado.

El desarrollo de las sesiones y recursos empleados sería el que se detalla a continuación.
1st SESSION        
Activity 1
Initial activity. Students watch a video song about primary and secondary colours:
-Sesame Street: Three Primary Colors http://youtu.be/yu44JRTIxSQ
Talk about colours in ordinary life.
Activity 2
Theory or colour with the resource Carmine's Introduction to Colour (first part). Students read and do the interactive exercises in this page.
Activity 3
Students see and compare different pieces of artwork and artistic movements (books and internet), talking about the importance of colour in these works of art.

2nd SESSION       
Activity 1
Students watch Video 2 Colours Song 2 (What colours do you like?). They practice colour vocabulary and language structures (speaking)
-Colours Song 2 (What colours do you like?)
Activity 2
Theory of colour with the resource Carmine's Introduction to Colour (second part). Students read and do the interactive exercises in this page.
-Carmine's Introduction to Colour
Activity 3
Students mix colours and paint with the resource Colour Factory

3rt, 4th, 5th SESSIONS  
Activity 1
Students learn the theory of Colour Wheel with the resource Interactive colour wheel.
Activity 2
Color wheel elaboration.
Activity 3
Students read and make more about colour theory.
-Colour in motion. Colour communication and colour symbolism http://www.mariaclaudiacortes.com/colors/Colors.html
-The Power of Colour

Color wheel presentation

La unidad didáctica al completo puede verse en este enlace:
Autora: Inés García Calvo



Subject: ENGLISH                                      Teacher: ANA MARÍA PASTOR CASAUCAO

Title of the Unit      FRAGILE EARTH                                          Course / Level      4TH ESO 

En esta unidad didáctica se trabajará el tema del cambio climático y la contaminación. Para el desarrollo de la misma nos coordinaremos con los compañeros de Ciencias, Matemáticas y Tecnología, así, además de crear una unidad AICLE, trabajaremos con el Currículo Integrado (en este caso de asignaturas tanto de ANL como de AL). La unidad se llevará a cabo en 6 sesiones en las que se realizarán tareas diversas para atender los diferentes niveles de comprensión, fomentar el andamiaje y trabajar las diferentes inteligencias. Todas estas tareas estarán encaminadas a formar al alumnado y proporcionarle las herramientas necesarias para realizar la tarea final que se explica en la plantilla.
Por último, mencionar que los objetivos no serán únicamente lingüísticos sino también de contenido y de concienciación de nuestros alumnos sobre el estado de nuestro planeta y de cómo nuestros actos influyen en el mismo.
La plantilla completa puede verse en el siguiente enlace: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7I9b9QNIdAMeHgwUE10RnlZaVU/edit?usp=sharing

Autora: Ana María Pastor Casaucao


This unit deals with Attachment Theory, as an important aspect of affective development in children, and it is adressed to students of the second year of Infant education, a branch of Vocational Studies (high level). The subject this lesson belongs to is called Socioaffective Development, and it has a teaching load of 140 hours.
I have inserted to tables to develop this unit: in the first place, you are going to find the main characteristics of the unit, while in the second one I have included a more detailed explanation of the activities, the timing and resources needed.

CLIL didactic unit


(Vocational studies)
TABLE 1    
1. Learning outcomes / Evaluation criteria
- To know the Strange Situation experiment: to learn the procedure designed to identify different types of attachment
- To differenciate types of attachment.
- To analyze parenting patterns related to each type of attachment
2. Subject Content
-          Types of attachment. Mary Ainsworth's experiment: The Strange Situation
-          Parenting styles related to each attachment type
3. Language Content / Communication

Nonus: bond, attachment, relationship, cue, signal, tip, needs, responsiveness, caregiver, warmth, affection, balance, disappointment, loss, joy, pattern, parenting
Verbs: to trust, to build, to shape, to develop, to provide, to sooth, to meet, to ensure, to support, to realize, to cry, to coo, to yell, to seek, to share, to release, to overcome, to monitor
Adjectives: lasting, (in)secure, deep, challenging, helpless, vulnerable, stressed, unique, confident, spoiled, empathetic, fulfiling, rewarding, demanding, instinctual, avoidant
Prepositions: to take for granted, through, across, underneath, within

Correlations: The more...the more; expressing probability; expressing opinions; making hypothesis
Whether ...or...; cause-effect clauses; listing points...
Discourse type
Descriptive and argumentative
Language skills
Listening, reading, speaking, writing
4. Cognitive skills
From the most basic ones (listing, summarising…) to the more complex: analyse, assess and create
5. Cultural element
Comparison of the results of the procedure being applied in different cultures
6. Task
Record a video replicating The Strange Situation experiment.
Design the steps, perform them and record the voice explaining the procedure.
Analyse your results according to Mary Ainsworth's Theory
Assess the results obtained by your classmates
7. Activities / Class distribution / timing
see table nº 2
8. Resources
 see table nº 2
9. Evaluation
- Does the student know the procedure of The Strange Situation, designed by Mary Ainsworth?
- Is she capable of describing and differenciating patterns of attachment?
- Can he identify factors that affect attachment and how are they linked to the different patterns of attachment and bonding?

Adapted from Isabel Pérez Torres

A first sample of this template has been published at:

Pérez Torres, I. 2009. "Apuntes sobre los principios y características de la metodología AICLE" en V. Pavón, J. Ávila (eds.), Aplicaciones didácticas para la enseñanza integrada de lengua y contenidos. Sevilla: Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía-Universidad de Córdoba.171-180.

It is mainly based on the hands-on experience at designing units and on conversations with experts and peers. The theory of the 4Cs by Do Coyle has also been taken into account. This theory has been shown in various publications, such as: Coyle, D., Hood, P. and Marsh, D., 2010. Content and Language Integrated Learning. Cambridge University Press.

Session 1
Activities and objectives / Time and grouping
1.    Pre-task: Previous knowledge
Objective: To explore previous knowledge and make connections to the new one
ACTIVITY 1 How many words do you know? Read the concepts in the wordcloud, underline the ones your already know and try to define them
Time and grouping: 20 min. Individual task
Word cloud
<a href="http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/7878905/Attachment" 
          title="Wordle: Attachment"><img
          alt="Wordle: Attachment"
          style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd"></a>
2. Learning the subject: Attachment theory and patterns
Objective: To develop the main contents. To offer a more complete description of the Attachment patterns

Doc 2: Vocabulary
ACTIVITY 2  Matching activity: looking for synonyms
Time and grouping: 10 min. Individual

Doc 3: Synonyms
ACTIVITY 3 Write definitions of the following concepts, according to the text
Time and grouping: 15 min. Individual
Doc 4: Definitions

ACTIVITY 4 Select the sentence of the text that best fits each picture: then compare with your group and reach an agreement
Time and grouping: 40 min
1st step: Individual
2nd step: In groups of four
3rd step: Big group: each group shares its choices to the rest of the class

Doc 5: Pictures:

ACTIVITY 5 Summarize the text
Time and grouping: 20 min. Individual

Session 2
Activities and objectives / Time and grouping
Watch the VIDEO and analyze it: The Strange Situation-Mary Ainsworth (3 activities)
To develop the main contents.
To offer a visual support to the new vocabulary and content
To know and learn the stages and setting fo the procedure designed by Mary Ainsworth to analyze the different attachment patterns.
Doc 7: Video

1) Answering QUESTIONS
1st: read the questions
2nd: watch the video
3rd: answer the questions
4th: compare your answers
Time and grouping: 20 min.  1st, 2nd and 3rd steps: individual; 4th: in pairs
Doc 8: Questions
2) ORDER the sequence of the procedure
Time and grouping: 10 min. Individual
Doc 9: Interactive activity
Tell your partner your opinion about the procedure
Time and grouping: 10 min. In pairs

Doc 10: Language help: "Expressing opinions"
To learn the behavioural characteristics of each pattern.
To analyze and compare each pattern
To establish the connexion between child and caregivers patterns of behaviour

Doc 11: Table: "Child patterns of attachment" adapted from  http://www.saylor.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/PSYCH101-Wiki-Attachment-theory.pdf
ACTIVITY 9  Read the information on the table and classify it in a new table, taking into account the three main steps of the procedure: EXPLORING; SEPARATION and REUNION
Time and grouping: 10 min. Individual
1st step: TRY TO GUESS: What kind of pareting behaviour might be linked to each attachment pattern? Make hypothesis, and tell your partner.
2nd step: AM I RIGHT?: Compare how accurate you were: read the new information and complete the table
Time and grouping: 20 min. In pairs

Doc 12: Table (or mind map)

Doc 13: Language help: "Expressing hypothesis"

Doc 14: Table with parenting behaviours

ASSESSING ATTACHMENT Infant Attachment Checklist:
To know a tool designed to assess attachment
Read the items and group them into three categories:
-          seeking proximity
-          emotional expression (reactions)
-          accepting comfort
Time and grouping: 15 min. Individual
What kind of attachment pattern is more likely to show each item? (choose 5 items of the list)
Time and grouping: 10 min. In pairs

Doc 16: Language help: "Expressing probability"

Session 3
Activities and objectives / Time and grouping

Record a video replicating The Strange Situation experiment:
1st: Design the steps or stages of the procedure (use the "extra help" document), distribute the roles
2nd: Perform them and record the voice explaining the procedure.
3rd: Show the rest of the class: they will have to assess your performance and guess what kind of attachment pattern you are representing in each moment.
Time and groupingGroups of four
1st: 30 min
2nd: homework
3rd: 40 min


Doc 17: GET some EXTRA HELP to prepare your role-playing: video with all the steps of the procedure and exemples of children with diferent attachment patterns
Doc 18: Language help: "Listing points": link:http://www.slideshare.net/SniaRubiFigueras/connectors-time-sequence

Doc 19: Assessment chart

Student survey for teacher

Ana Ferragud García
You can find a presentation of this unit in Google Drive:

viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

My body

Subject: Arts and Crafts                             Teacher: Antonia Mª Ramírez Nieto.

Title of the Unit  : " My body"                       Course / Level  : First Cycle. First Year          

1. Learning outcomes
 / Evaluation criteria
-         To Learn specialialised vocabulary used in artistic expression: sculpture, marble, rubbing and pencil.
-         To copy a drawing, focusing on the details.
-         To make a three-i-a-row board and pieces.
-         To learn to explain personal experiences.
-         To learn to colour drawings using coloured pencils with precision and accuracy.
-         To appreciate the importance of organized conversation in the classroom between teachers and students and among classmates.
2. Subject Content
-         Artistic expression: the face from the front and from the side.
-         Doing a rubbing with combs.
-         Simple geometrical shapes: squares, circles and triangles.
-         Handprints and fingerprints: observation, identificacion and description.
-         Paint: colour, texture,etc.
-         Positive attitude about activities related to art.

3. Language Content / Communication

-         Nouns: ears, nose, eyes, mouth,…
-         Verbs: look, can, see, colour, write, cut, draw, fold, staple,…
-         Prepositions: in, on, along,…
-         Geometris shapes: squares, triangles, circles.

  • Routines: what activities do we do in the bathroom?; what objects do we use trere?; …
  • Contenido: Comparatives: big- bigger; small- smaller; long- longer; short- shorter.
  • Classroom management: "Order and cleanliness in the work"; "everyone does their job.
Discourse type, Language skills
Reading, listening and speaking.
4. Methodological elements

Resources and materials: the materials used are tabs what the teacher provides, the pencil, the colored pencils, felt pens, eraser, pencil sharpener , scissors, finger paint, tissue paper and comb.

Development time: the unit will operate in six sessions, one for each activity.

Groupings: the teacher explain and comment on the activities in groups where doubts will be exhibited. Subsequently each individual student do his job. There are activities that children would group into pairs.

Basic skills that work in the unit:

 Cultural and artistic competence:
-         Students will develop these competences through the contents in this unit.

Autonomy and individual iniciative:
-         Identify facial features and distinguish between the face from and from the side.
-         Demonstrate the high levels of creativity and imagination needed to create new projects.

Social and civic competence:
-         Encourage participation and respect turn-taking.

Interaction with the physical world:
-         Identify objects related to personal hygiene.
-         Recognise the importance of dental hygiene and distinguish between healthy teeth and those with cavities.

Learning to learn:
-         Develop the capacity to analyse a situation and formulate a hypothesis in terms of the causes and effects of certain action.

Communication skills:
-         Respond orally to several questions, extracting the correct information from the material learned.

Information and technology management:
-         Develop computer skill and discover the possibilities that the internet can offer.

Math skills:
Recognise and distinguish between the basic geometric shapes: circles, squares and triangles

5. Activities
-         Copy and color the picture of a boy showering . Then make a shower curtain by holding some tissue paper . Stick it on your image . Also ask what parts of the body observes that activities are in the bathroom, which we use to wash objects , etc. .
- Look at the picture of the shadow of a comb. Change your comb with a classmate . Place the comb on this page and color on peine.Puede use crayons or pencil.
- Sit opposite your partner and draw the face of the other.
- Submit a form with different shapes : circles , triangles and cuadradados . Coloring squares in red and green triangles . Then color the circles yellow grid . Court grid and forms. Playing three-in -a- row with a classmate.
- Look at a photo of footprints in the sand and answer the question ( where can we find these tracks? ) . Draw another or footprints footprints in the sand .
- See examples of drawings created from fingerprints. Dip your fingertips in a Santo. Ask a fingerprint image on this page . When the Holy dry, add details to your pencil drawing.
6. Cognitive processes
-         This unit is intended that students know and distinguish body parts, and some geometric shapes.
-         Who knows the habits of personal hygiene and to take them out.
-         Be able to draw the human body with all its parts.

7. Cultural element
For body parts and personal hygiene in order to learn to manage your health.

8. Final Evaluation
With the help of a template drawing of a child, being able to draw it as similar as possible with all its elements.

Enlaces de las actividades creadas:
 Los enlaces que utilizaré en la unidad serán:

Enlace del blog de la unidad:

 El enlace al mismo es:
