domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

THE FRENCH REVOLUTION (4ºESO) by Diana Pérez Mateo


Subject: History        Teacher: Diana Pérez Mateo

Title of the Unit: The French Revolution       Course / Level      4ºESO            

Esta unidad está pensada para la asignatura de Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia, sección bilingüe, de grupos de 4º ESO. La unidad se imparte durante la primera evaluación pero hay que tener en cuenta que es el cuarto año que estos grupos participan en la sección bilingüe con lo que parte del vocabulario que se presenta ya lo conocen. 
He intentado que la metodología sea lo más significativa y participativa posible, con actividades de dificultad creciente, variadas para atender a la diversidad del alumnado y ofreciendo ejercicios de refuerzo y ampliación. Asimismo hay actividades individuales, por parejas y en grupo. 

1. Learning outcomes
 / Evaluation criteria
- To locate the French Revolution chronologically and geographically.
- To explain the causes, main events and consequences of the FR and to
  understand the political and social changes that occurred during this period.
- Value the advances in civil rights that resulted from the FR
2. Subject Content
- The French Revolution
- The consequences of the FR
- Everyday life during the FR

    3. Language Content / Communication 


-Nouns: feudal, abolition, assembly, coalition, counter-revolutionary, coup, Consulate, Convention, Directory, execution, coup, freedom, guillotine, right, treason, trial, disintegration, sans-coulotte, riot, dictatorship, popular sovereignty, estates, achievement, empire …
-Verbs: cease, abolish, fail, symbolise, elect, break out, riot, spread, deal with, influence, impose, inspire, re-establish, name, last, decline, defeat, guarantee, refuse, favour, declare, execute, bring about…
-Adjectives: enlightened, influential, violent, bankrupt, absolute, discontented, equal, luxurious, privileged, conservative, feudal, legislative, liberal, moderate, radical, allied, constitutional, individual, gradual…

- Past simple
- Past simple passive
- Past perfect
- Relative clause with who
-"As a result of"
Discourse type
- Reading, listening and speaking
Language skills
- Speak, listen and participate in dialogues and debates
- Use specific vocabulary
- Find information in different media

   4. Contextual (cultural) element

The French Revolution changed completely the way society and economy was organised. It is important to recognise the economic and social consequences of the FR and see how the new ideas of "Liberty, equality and fraternity" changed the world.   

  5. Cognitive (thinking) processes

To analyse and understand the causes and consequences of events, to distinguish and respect different ideologies and theories, to value the rights achieved. 

  6. (a) Task(s)

- To identify the main ideas of the French Revolution
- To locate the events related to the French Revolution chronologically
- Use of maps, graphs and images to get a better understanding of the events
- Analysing a painting ("The coronation of Emperor Napoleon" by David) from an artistic and  
  historical point of view. 
  Think about how art reflects reality but can be used as a propaganda tool. 
- Search information and complete a brief biography of the main characters of the French 
  Revolution: Robespierre, Napoleon, Louis XVI, etc.   

  6. (b) Activities

- Discuss and summarise the main ideas and events after watching the History Channel 
  documentary: The French Revolution
- In pairs: make a short presentation of one of the main characters
- Debate: was the execution of Louis XVI necessary?
- Elaborate a timeline of the period
- Complete individual activities: short questions  and summary of the unit
- In pairs: analyse a work of art (painting)
- In class: answer a short test after watching a video in youtube.

  7. Methodology
Organization and class distribution / timing:

- 6 sessions of 50 minutes each

1) Presentation of the unit. Brainstorming. 
    Part 1 documentary: The French Revolution (
     Discussion in class.

2) Review. Part 2 documentary. Discussion. 
    Short activities from the book: History (Oxford, University Press)
    (idea tomada de )

3) Review. Part 3 documentary. Discussion. Short activities (correction)
    (idea tomada de )
4) Review. Work in pairs: look for information of different characters of the FR (Internet).
    Homework: timeline using dipity (
   Se pide a los alumnos que elaboren un eje cronológico. Esta actividad se podría realizar con dipity ya que de esta forma no sólo situarían en la línea de tiempo los principales eventos sino que además podrían buscar imágenes relevantes, localizar geográficamente los hechos, añadir música, etc. Por otro lado una vez publicado el eje cronológico, los compañeros/as podrían según los casos, comentar cada eje o incluso modificarlo (utilizando dipity como un instrumento colaborativo de aprendizaje).

5) Debate:

6) In pairs: work of art ("The corononation of Napoleon" by David) 
    youtube video and test:

  Resources / Materials

- PC and Internet connection
- Projector
- Book and photocopies
- Links: wikipedia, youtube, history channel, etc.   

 Key Competences

- Linguistic competence
- Social and civic competence
- Cultural and artistic competence
- Digital competence
- Learning to learn
- Autonomy    

  8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)

- to explain the political, economic, social and artistic concepts related to the unit
- to explain the causes and the consequences
- to identify the main personalities of this period
- to analyse and comment works of art
- to value the political, economic and social advances made during this period
- to cooperate with different classmates and respect different opinions
- to argue and justify the own opinion
- to complete the proposed activities
- to answer correctly to the proposed tests and the final exam    

Instruments: participation, notebook, presentations, tests, exam.

1 comentario:

  1. Hola Diana. Me ha gustado mucho tu unidad. La veo muy bien estructurada, clara y muy completa así como también los materiales que aportas. La tendré en cuenta para mi trabajo. Enhorabuena.
